Coursework preproduction: script
The Lives We Live By Annya Ranshi LOCATIONS INTERIOR INT. LOCATION #1 - DAYTIME Inside a house. In the kitchen area/hallway. INT. LOCATION #2 - DAYTIME Inside an office setting INT. LOCATION #3 - DAYTIME ELLEN’S HOUSE. Hallway and bedroom. INT. LOCATION #4 – MORNING TIME Inside a doctor’s office. EXTERIOR EXT. LOCATION #1 - DAYTIME Street corner, urban environment. EXT. LOCATON #2 – DAYTIME Park bench, open park setting. FADE IN FROM BLACK INSTITUTIONAL LOGO (_____) APPEARS ON SCREEN, SLOW ZOOM OUT TEXT ON SCREEN: 4 INTERTWINING LIVES DISSOLVE TO: INT. LOCATION #1 – DAYTIME Protagonist- RAYE – walks into the location. She walks through the door into the kitchen. RAYE picks up the mail and looks through the pile. She drops all but one on the table and opens it. RAYE (excited expression, reading the letter aloud) Dear Raye… RAYE sto...