Editing Task
Shot list:
Character walking into scene
Medium shot/ over the shoulder
2nd character walks into scene through door
Long shot into Medium shot
Characters face
Close up
2nd characters face
Close up
Characters mouth {dialogue}
Extreme close up 180 / reverse shot
2nd characters eyes
Extreme close up 180 / reverse shot
2nd character turns head{dialogue}
Close up 180 / reverse shot
Character nods
Medium close up pan
Hand on pan
Medium pan
Character turns
Medium match on action
Hand opening freezer
Character looks in freezer
Medium pan
2nd character turns
Long shot match on action
2nd character has plates
Close up match on action
Close up
2nd character puts tissue on plates
Close up
Food goes on plate
Medium shot
Characters face {dialogue}
Medium shot 180 / reverse shot
2nd characters face {dialogue} annoyance
Close up 180 / reverse shot
Character 1: Hungry?
Character 2: Always.
Character 1: We were meant to go gym today
Character 2: inaudible swear

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