Film & TV assessment learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).
WWW: You get into the political contexts of Capital impressively. Definite potential here if you can improve detail and exam technique
EBI: You must answer the question. Q3 specifically says representations but you don't use the word in your answer.

2) Read the whole mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment (even if you got full marks for the question).

3) The first question demanded a response using postmodern terminology. Write a definition here of the three main terms:

Bricolage: the juxtaposing of old and new texts, images, ideas. and narratives to create new meanings.
Pastiche: Refers to media products that imitate the style of another text, artist, or time period.  
Intertextuality: The use of different brands or texts in other media productions used as reference.

4) The second question was on the film industry. Write down two points from the mark scheme about Chicken's promotion and distribution that you didn't include in your answer. 

Film festivals were vital in the promotion of the film as awards and acclaim from influential industry figures helped to raise the profile of the film. E.g. quote on poster from acclaimed actor Sir Ian McKellen.
Social media was important in marketing the film – Chicken did not have a marketing budget beyond the creation of the trailer and poster so Facebook, Twitter and YouTube were vital in
broadcasting and sharing trailers and information about the film.

5) Look over your mark, teacher comments and the mark scheme for Question 3 - the 25 mark essay question on your TV Close-Study Products. Write a complete essay plan for this question based on the suggested answers in the mark scheme. You can either use something similar to your actual answer or alternatively start from scratch. Make sure it is an extensive, detailed plan focused on the question (representations) and offering specific references to Capital and Deutschland 83 for each sectio
n. Try and cover the two texts equally if you can and aim to plan around 5-6 paragraphs in total.

To what extent do the representations in your selected TV drama Close-Study Products reflect
the social and cultural context in which they were produced?(25)

1- Current politics
left wing ideology- working class people working more 'for the people' than above the people  
Right wing ideology- the bankers and the elite, the reflection of real life society
Immigration -the pakistani family, the european builders and their professions, they way the elite treat them, the role they have in society
Refugee crisis & the way the government deal with that
The way it reflects current issues and the way these things are being dealt with by the people in charge

2- The role of/attitude towards Immigrants
The jobs they do
The way they are stereotyped by the elite/ police
Looked at in this country as  'the other'

3- representations of traditional london v new london
The changing demographics 
Peoples attitude towards the change 
How the older people are represented/ what ideals they typically are known to reinforce (the husband of Petunia and his supposed inability to accept other races into the country)

4- Deutschland's 80's representations of the soldiers
the hyper-realistic representations of the soldiers to emphasise their role in society/ the power they had
the clothes worn
the secrecy of the spies and the hyper realistic method of carrying out a task


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