Cinematography Blog Tasks
The opening 45 seconds of 'Marcella', the 2016 ITV drama, begins by fading in from black, followed by a medium shot in which the main character emerges into. This immediately confuses the audience as we don't see her face but we can tel by the lighting and music that the character is distressed. We get a sight of her bleeding temple which mirrors the effect of the lighting to create an ominous and mysterious image. The next camera shot is a compromised long shot, as she is crouched (from what we can see from behind the bloody glass) which makes the audience feel unsure and uncertain of whats to come, much like the character we see. Also, because it's handheld we are given a sense of horror, as if it is someone watching her. We are then given a close up tilt downwards of various parts of her body that are strained with blood and bruised-this all alludes t a conclusion that she has either hurt someone or been hurt. The medium shot from behind the glass is repeated as the music intensifies and we are left with a cut to black, suggesting we will find some kind of explanation.
3) Find and analyse four film or TV stills. Embed the images in your blog and analyse the camera shot/angle and what they communicate to the audience.
This still uses a medium shot, so we can see the expression on the characters face while still being able to see the scene he is in. This allows us to understand the characters interests, his emotions and that means we begin to make a personal relationship with him.

This scene from Titanic uses an over the shoulder shot to show an intense conversation. We can see the characters facial expression but not enough to understand the subject of conversation: we can't tell if he's upet, angry, or in awe.
In this scene from 'Nacho Libre' we are shown a medium shot of the main character looking scathingly at some corn, which shows the comedy of the film plainly. The audience can't see the person holding the corn so again they are forced to focus on the main characters expression.
In this still from 'Love Actually'we are given a medium close up of the two characters who are falling in love. We can immediately see this from their facial expression as he is smirking while she looks at him longingly.
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