TV: Capital - Representation

Capital episode 1: key scenes

Scene 1: opening sequence 00:30 – 4.49

Place: Flashbacks of old London, property price, diversity change
Family/Gender: Albert and Petunia vs Pakistani family
Ethnicity: She can't tell the difference in the Asian diversity
Issues(immigration,asylum,inequality,wealth,ageing): Indirect prejudice/racism 

Scene 2: work in the City 6.28 – 8.10

Place: Crowded train, construction sites
Family/Gender: All males in the office
Ethnicity: All white males in charge
Issues(immigration,asylum,inequality,wealth,ageing): 'Bonus season', young man knows more than the bosses but has less control

Scene 3: “Which of those isn’t absolutely essential?” 14.00 – 15.35

Place: Newly decorated bedroom
Family/Gender: They have different priorities, we are positioned not to like them
Ethnicity: Stereotyping Germans, they are traditional Britons, they don't appear to be very in touch with the modern world
Issues(immigration,asylum,inequality,wealth,ageing): 'You'll be surprised with what £1 million covers these days

Scene 4: asylum 18.03 – 19.42 AND 31.10 – 32.40

Place: A different perspective of London, the 'Daily Mail hates' perspective (a sympathetic view of an illegal immigrant)
Family/Gender: Patriarchy, sexual harassment ('perhaps a little kiss') 
Ethnicity: Asylum seekers are in danger, Black male doing the illegal things
Issues(immigration,asylum,inequality,wealth,ageing): Refugee crisis, unfair pay in contrast to white family, civil service cuts

Scene 5: “What use is 30 grand?” 36.40 – 39.00 

Place: Office
Family/Gender: Doesn't remember families names, small talk
Ethnicity: All white males
Issues(immigration,asylum,inequality,wealth,ageing): Banking crisis,

Scene 6: life at the corner shop 40.10 – 42.55

Place: Shop
Family/Gender: Generous family vs greedy family
Ethnicity: White family have never been in the local shop, difference in culture
Issues(immigration,asylum,inequality,wealth,ageing): Viewpoints on society


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